Some Things To Know About Professional Dog Walking
The number of households with dogs is forever increasing, and for many of these households finding the time to take the dog out for the daily walks it needs is sometimes understandably too much to cope with. This has lead to a great increase in popularity of professional dog walking services. dog walking A professional dog walker should be a caring person with a great deal of experience, working with, owning and looking after their own dogs as well as other, and of course a genuine affection for the animals.
A lot of things have to be taken into consideration when beginning professional dog walking. It is always a good idea to have insurance to protect your well being, should a dog you are walking happen to cause damage to a property or even attack and injure another dog.
If you are a dog walker, it is a good idea to be able to provide a full and current Criminal background check report to any potential clients as the job often consists of collecting dogs from client homes and therefore holding/carrying property keys.
In regard to charges for professional dog walking services for a single dog, some locations can warrant rather costly rates than others. However the rate of charge per dog decreases with the increase in the number of dogs being walked. Length or distance of walks also plays a large factor in cost per walk. You might want to think about offering shorter distance or briefer time walks for ageing or smaller dogs as they do not require extended periods of exercise that most other bigger and fitter dogs do.
It is highly recommended that no more than four dogs should be walked by a single person at any one time. If you were to walk five or more dogs at any one time there is the likelihood of creating a pack mentality within the group and quite a disturbance can be created between a number, if not, all of the dogs.
Perhaps even more importantly, if you are walking a larger group of dogs, the chances of the walker's commands being heard and obeyed diminishes the larger the group is. All these factors have lead to a number of city councils laying down legal restrictions as to how many dogs can be walked at any given time by a single person. The maximum restriction in most cases is four dogs.
Before walking a dog you should ensure that they are wearing the correct collar and also that it is not damaged and could break during the walk or cause the dog any discomfort when the walker pulls on the lead. It is also important to be sure you are using the correct length of lead for the particular size and height of the dog to help the walker maintain full control at all times.
Leads are of course a must when walking a dog down a street, next to a road or town centre, but what about in large open spaces such as fields? It is highly recommended that a dog only be taken off the lead and aloud to run free if the walker is confident that the dog will respond and obey when he or she calls the dog back.
Another important issue these days is of course picking up after the dog you are walking. As a dog walker its is your duty to pick up any poo left behind by the dog(s) you may be walking which means having a strong supply of waste bags a hand at all times. And of course after picking up the mess you should dispose of the waste in the correct manner.
Many parks are now littered with appropriate dumping bins which are designed especially for dog mess.
All in all dog walking can be an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for both the walker and the dog, not to mention the relief given to pet owners who employ a professional dog walking service. Walks are a necessity in a dog's life, just as much as water and nutritional food. A healthy and active lifestyle can lead to the animal being an all round calmer, more relaxed, obedient and happy pet for the owner to enjoy.